Live update from Bethesda, MD. We arrived in Bethesda yesterday and we are still trying to recover from the jet lag. This morning, after a great breakfast at the local pancake house, we are doing some work on a conversation ranking system based on our friendfeed data. Being able to rank online conversation is undoubtedly a great challenge and we are currently working on a model able to keep together relational aspects (followers and popularity of people taking part in the conversation) and conversational aspects (how people took part in that conversation, whit what degree of involvement, how spread was the conversation among the network and so on). We are pretty excited about this model and we hope to be able to share something more soon.
In the meanwhile tomorrow we’re presenting our project and our data here, you can follow us on Twitter.
Mese: marzo 2010
Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, & Prediction
Tomorrow we are going to Bethesda to attend the Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, & Prediction Conference. We are going to give a poster presentation with a very short speech focused on the preliminary results of our research. You can both read the article in the Data&Papers section or take a look at the poster.
SIGSNA data available
In the Data section you can now download the data. We monitored the activity of Friendfeed from September 6, 2009, 00:00 AM to September 19, 2009, 12:00 PM. The service was monitored at a rate of about 1 to 2 updates every second (depending on network traffic). This is the dataset we are using for our research and it is now available to you. Have fun!