International Workshop on Complex Social Network Analysis (CSNA 2012) @ ASONAM12

On Sep. 26th we’ve been in Istanbul for the ASONAM 2012 conference. The Conference was interesting with many good papers and (may too many) different sessions. Beside attending the conference we had a extra motivation to be there. We were the organizers of the first International Workshop on Complex Social Network Analysis (together with Prof. Przemyslaw Kazienko, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland). The workshop was a success and we’ve been pretty satisfied with the quality of the papers. One of our goals was to bring together – under the forming notion of complex social networks – a wide range of scholars coming from many different areas. Judging the results obtained this year we can be satisfied even if the computer scientists are still the majority.
So that’s the plan for the second edition: more Sociologists and Social Scientists. And you really should start working on your paper because ASONAM2013 will be at the Niagara Falls!