After some quite time we can now update the list of the upcoming event and presentations. March will be a busy period with a major conference and two very interesting workshops where we are going to presents the new research lines we’re carrying on this year. Between the 12th and the 18th of March we are going to attend the XXXII Sunbelt conference at Redondo Beach, CA. During the conference we’re presenting some new empirical data about on the Multy-Layer Model for SNS analysis.
As soon as we’ll be back in Europe we will attend the 2nd Düsseldorf Workshop on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twitter Analysis (#diata12) where we will introduce our new research aimed at understanding how the Twitter network structure evolves according to the social interaction that takes place between the users (we hope to be able to post more about this really soon).
After some quite time we can now update the list of the upcoming event and presentations. March will be a busy period with a major conference and two very interesting workshops where we are going to presents the new research lines we’re carrying on this year. Between the 12th and the 18th of March we are going to attend the XXXII Sunbelt conference at Redondo Beach, CA. During the conference we’re presenting some new empirical data about on the Multy-Layer Model for SNS analysis.
As soon as we’ll be back in Europe we will attend the 2nd Düsseldorf Workshop on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twitter Analysis (#diata12) where we will introduce our new research aimed at understanding how the Twitter network structure evolves according to the social interaction that takes place between the users (we hope to be able to post more about this really soon).